How to Repair a Torn Leather Jacket with E6000 Fabri-Fuse (Pro Tips)

How to Repair a Torn Leather Jacket with E6000 Fabri-Fuse

Yesterday, I met one of my friends who is in the leather garment business. I shared with him about my worn-out leather jacket. He suggested I repair it with E6000 Fabri-Fuse glue

For your convenience, I have shared the complete process for repairing a tear in the leather jacket and some pro tips to make this task successful. Read the blog to explore the details.

What Supplies Do You Need For the Repair Process?

Before formally starting the leather jacket repair process, collect the necessary supplies. I have listed here the materials you need: 

1. E6000 Fabri-Fuse glue 
2. Leather patch or polycotton
3. Scissor 
4. Leather Hero Leather Cleaner and Conditioner 
5. Leather Hero Leather Filler  
6. Leather Hero Leather Conditioner  
7. Sandpaper (Fine-grit) 
8. Soft cloth for cleaning 

A Complete Guide to Repair a Torn Leather Jacket using E6000 Fabri-Fuse Glue

After gathering the necessary materials, you will follow these simple steps to repair your torn leather jacket:

➜ Step 1: Check Out the Damage

Thoroughly evaluate the tear in your leather jacket to estimate the size and extent of the damaged area. This estimation is necessary to choose the best possible repair method and material.

➜ Step 2: Clean the Damaged Part of the Jacket

Remove the dust from the leather jacket's tear with a wet cloth. If you have premium leather material, I will advise you to clean it with a Leather Hero Leather Cleaner and Conditioner. This will avoid further damage due to the moisture in the cleaning cloth.

➜ Step 3: Cut the Unwanted Threads

If you see any loose threads on the tear surface, gently remove them with scissors. Please do not cut additional leather in the area surrounding the tear.

➜ Step 4: Cut a Leather Patch

If the tear is small, then you do not need a patch. However, for a large tear cut a required size patch of a glove leather or a polycotton. Now, put this leather patch on the tear portion accurately.

Note: Please make the patch round shaped as the patch corners can cause issues once placed on the tear.

➜ Step 5: Apply the E6000 Fabri-Fuse Glue

Then, put a thin layer of E6000 Fabri-Fuse on the edges and body of the tear. Follow the application instructions on the adhesive label.

Note: If you are fixing the tear with a leather patch, put a thin layer on the back of the patch and place it on the tear.

➜ Step 6: Press the Tear Edges Together

Now, delicately press the edges of the tear. You can do this by using your fingers or two toothpicks. Hold the edges at their original place for a few minutes to ensure the firm bonding of the leather.

➜ Step 7: Fill the Leftover Gap of the Tear

If you find a leftover gap in the tear, you can fill it with a Leather Hero Leather Filler using spatula. Once it is dry, make it smooth with sandpaper and then apply the same color leather paint that of your leather.

➜ Step 8: Restore the Leather with Conditioner

After completion of the repair process, apply Leather Hero Leather Conditioner to the whole jacket. It will restore the moisture, flexibility, elegance, and appearance of your leather jacket.

How to Repair a Torn Leather Jacket with E6000 Fabri-Fuse (Pro Tips)

Also Read: How to Fix a Tear in Leather Bags with E6000 Fabri-Fuse Glue

Pro Tips for Perfect Repair

Following the repair process is not enough. You should also remember these tips to make leather jacket repair successful:

◈ Restoring Worn-out Jacket Lining: Often, the leather jacket lining gets worn out with time, compromising the shielding from environmental impact. Therefore, replace the lining while repairing the tear. It will give an entirely new look and feel to your leather jacket.

◈ Accurate Alignment: Perfectly align the broken edges of a leather tear. You can use tweezers to do this task accurately.

◈ Test Glue Compatibility: Do not apply the  E6000 Fabri-Fuse glue directly on the leather jacket. Instead, try it on a smaller part first to check its compatibility with your leather jacket material.

◈ Give Enough Time for Drying: The E6000 Fabri-Fuse glue gets set within 5-8 minutes of application. However, waiting for 24 hours is recommended because it ensures a long-lasting bond and strength. You can check it on the hidden area of your leather jacket.

◈ Store Properly: Do not put your replaced leather jacket in a moisturized place to avoid wreaking off adhesive bonds. Moreover, avoid wearing it for 48 hours of repair because it can also affect the strength of the bond.

Following these steps, you can repair not only a leather jacket but also any other leather item.


At the closing of the discussion, I hope you have gained a deeper insight into the whole process. You will start the process by cleaning the dust, looking for the damages, then apply the glue and leave it to dry.

Hence, with the above-described tips you can repair your favorite jacket and keep the dustbin away. Please share your experience with us in the comment section!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Where can I check the E6000 Fabri-Fuse reviews?

You can check the E6000 Fabri-Fuse reviews by opening this link.

Q2: What is the best glue to repair a leather jacket?

You can use the E6000 Fabri-Fuse glue to repair your leather jacket. It is the best solution.

Q3: Can I use E6000 on plastic?

Yes, you can use E6000 for plastic repair.

Q4: What is the best leather filler available online?

You can use Leather Hero Leather Filler to fill the small gaps and holes left while repairing. It is the best product available online.


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